Understanding Hepatitis C
...to help you get affordable Hep C life insurance

Medical Information about Hepatitis C

The Basics of HCV

Hepatitis C (HCV) is a serious liver infection, partly because Hepatitis C usually has few symptoms, and people often don't realize they have the disease until liver damage has occurred. For this reason, having a liver biopsy done can improve your life insurance rates (if no liver damage is shown). However, if your doctor has not ordered a biopsy, or you have had one and found you do have fibrosis or cirrhosis, we can get you affordable hepatitis C life insurance, too.

Hepatitis C Transmission

Hepatitis C is transmitted through blood. Before 1992, when screening became possible, people most commonly contracted Hepatitis C through blood transfusions. Now, drug use through needles, unclean tattoo procedures, accidental needle sticks, and transmission from mother to child during childbirth, all more common ways to get Hep C. Although extremely rare, HCV has been known to be transmitted through sexual contact.

Life insurance companies may look at how your Hep C was contracted to determine if the risk has been diminished.

Prevention of Hep C

There is no vaccine to prevent getting Hepatitis C, but you can protect yourself and others by taking care not to share blood. This includes avoiding needles used during drug use, ensuring that clean equipment is used in tattoo parlors or for body piercings, not sharing razors with infected persons, etc.

Hepatitis C Treatment

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C, treatment may or may not be recommended by your physician, as each case is unique. If your illness will benefit from antiviral treatments, these might be prescribed. Of course, staying away from alcohol is always recommended..

How to increase your chances of getting affordable Hepatitis C life insurance.

When applying for life insurance while having Hepatitis C, the best thing you can do is to religiously follow treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.

To get a free quote for Hep C life insurance, please fill out the form on the right or call us at 866-866-0242.